Monday, May 23, 2011

From This to That!

Last summer a good friend purchased a new patio set for her newly renovated beautiful enclosed patio and she nicely offered us her older chairs. "YES!", so we updgraded from this...
to this...

But if you know me well, I can never leave something as is. So this summer I was itching for an update look. So we went to this...
We actually thought we would splurge and buy new cushions. I thought $78 was a deal for four new cushions. But Scott took a seat on them and said they were much flatter than the original ones, so Ms Frugal went hunting and found fabric for $3 a yard. So, for $20, we now have 4 brand new covers for the cushions, so we have the "cush" with the "look".  Now, the decision to paint the chairs green to match the table is up in the air. But until then...
Come on Summer!!

I am linking to:

1 comment:

jzramom said...

Very cool. I have been procrastinating on purchasing new cushions due to the price. Now I have a solution.